Read, Discuss, Bake: Books about bread!

  One of my favorite memories from my childhood was my dad’s baking. He’d often bake a simple white bread, which we would use for sandwiches or snacking. He’d sometimes turn some of it into cinnamon rolls, which came in second only to my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. On special occasions he’d whip up a batch of Orange Cinnamon Swirl, a loaf of mildly orange flavored bread with a swirl of cinnamon and sugar in the center, glazed with an orangey icing. In my mind, there was no better treat. And it wasn’t just the eating of the bread that was enjoyable, but the anticipation. And the smells. Is there any better smell than bread baking in the oven? My dad taught me how to bake bread, and I still have the copy of  Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads  that he gave me nearly 30 years ago. I bake from it often. Bread is a staple all around the world. And bread, like books, can do wonders to foster human connection. So our hope with this list today is that it will inspire...

Ten Clever and Creative Book-themed Projects

It's time for a round-up post! In the spirit of cleverness, creativity, and helping you save time, we've gathered some of our favorite book-themed projects and listed them here for your enjoyment. Some of these are from here at Read, Discuss, Do! Others are from our own websites, and others we have discovered around the web. We hope this list of book-themed projects will you and your kiddos get creative during story time and beyond. 

1. What About Moose? - Megaphone craft.  Kids can make a megaphone like the one Moose uses in the book, then act out the story.

2. Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep - Paper Plate Sheep Craft. Make the sheep, then talk about the story. You could even have your child play the part of the shepherd and find the sheep after you hide it somewhere.

3. When Your Llama Needs a Haircut Wacky Hairstyle Collage. A fun way to get wacky and creative at story time. 

4. One is a PiñataMake Mini Piñatas. This craft is adaptable according to your kiddo's age and skill level.

5. You're The Hugs to My Kisses - postcard story time activity. In case you need an excuse to send a postcard to someone special.

6. A Color of His Own - Chameleon Watercolor Project. Experiment with watercolor paint after reading a great book!

7. Diva Delores and the Opera House Mouse - Feathered Fan craft. A wonderful craft to lead into book-themed creative play.

8. Not Yeti - Tissue Paper Yeti craft. This yeti craft is too adorable to resist!

9. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Paper Chain Caterpillar Craft. A fun follow-up to story time to get little ones practicing some fine motor skills. 

10. Little Blue Truck - Craft and Creative Play. Another fun way to combine story time with creativity and play.
