Books to Celebrate the Love of Family

  Celebrating Family Love: A Read, Discuss, Do Book List In honor of Valentine's Day, and to celebrate the love of family all year round, we’ve compiled a list of books that combine family and love.  

Coming Soon: April Poetry Challenge!

April is National Poetry Month, and we're once again inviting you to participate in a celebration of poetry! This year we are hosing a Parent and Child Poetry Challenge, inviting you and your children to learn about and write poetry together. Each week, beginning on Monday, April 3, we will feature a different form of poetry. The posts will include sample poems, reading suggestions, and tips for writing the featured form of poem.

We would love for you to participate and share your poems with us! You can share the poems in the comments on the blog each week, in replies to our social media posts, or on your own social media feeds using the hashtag #RDDPoetryChallenge. Alternatively, you can email your poems to At the end of the month there will be a post featuring all of your wonderful poems. How cool will it be for your children to see the poems you are writing together featured here on Read, Discuss, Do?

If you don't have kids or your kids are grown, you are still welcome to join the fun. Feel free to borrow a grandchild, niece or nephew, or the child of the friend. Maybe even your own parent or grandparent! We're pretty chill about the "rules" around here. 

In addition to our weekly challenge posts, we'll be sharing plenty of other poetry content here on the blog and on Instagram and Twitter. I hope you stick around for the fun!

In case you're new here, check out some of last year's Poetry Month posts:
