Everyone at Read, Discuss, Do! hopes that you have a very happy New Year full of lots of moments in which children's books create connections between you and the young readers in your life. That's why we love to share simple (and sometimes less simple) story time ideas! Here's a look back at some of the most popular posts of 2022. Did you miss any of these?
10. Snack and Story Time: Scarecrow Haystacks - This story time activity pairs a great book with a delicious and easy snack!
Taking Stock: Thoughts on Kitchens and Books - Laura Sassi shares her thoughts on "taking stock" of what your kids are reading.
Summer Challenge Week One: Tasty Treats! - Suggestions for books about treats, along with discussion and activity ideas for a tasty and engaging summer story time.
North Woods Girl Review and Nature Collage - A review of
North Woods Girl by Aimée Bissonette, illustrated by Claudia McGehee, along with a story time idea with discussion topics and a creative nature collage.
Thank You, Omu! Review and Activity - A review and story time idea for
Thank You, Omu! by Oge Mora. Discuss the book and create a thank you note inspired by the book's illustrations.