Read, Discuss, Bake: Books about bread!

  One of my favorite memories from my childhood was my dad’s baking. He’d often bake a simple white bread, which we would use for sandwiches or snacking. He’d sometimes turn some of it into cinnamon rolls, which came in second only to my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. On special occasions he’d whip up a batch of Orange Cinnamon Swirl, a loaf of mildly orange flavored bread with a swirl of cinnamon and sugar in the center, glazed with an orangey icing. In my mind, there was no better treat. And it wasn’t just the eating of the bread that was enjoyable, but the anticipation. And the smells. Is there any better smell than bread baking in the oven? My dad taught me how to bake bread, and I still have the copy of  Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads  that he gave me nearly 30 years ago. I bake from it often. Bread is a staple all around the world. And bread, like books, can do wonders to foster human connection. So our hope with this list today is that it will inspire...

A Build It Challenge Inspired by THE THINGITY-JIG by Kathleen Doherty

by Mindy Baker

Read: THE THINGITY-JIG by Kathleen Doherty and illustrated by Kristyna Litten is a sure hit with your little engineer-builders. A sweet little bear can’t sleep and wants to play, but his friends want to sleep. Under the silvery moon he finds a Thingity-Jig. To move it, he uses a Rolly-Rumpity, Lifty-Uppity, and a Pushy-Poppity. At daybreak, his friends wake up and want to play. Bear has to remind them when it is his turn…but then he falls asleep. The whimsical world play takes this book to the top of my list because it is so much fun to read.


  1. What is your favorite contraption that Bear built?
  2. Have you ever build something that helped you to do a difficult task? What was it?
  3. What makes a good friend?
  4. Do you like to share and take turns?
  5. Do you like it when other kids take turns with you?


Build your own "rollity-rumpity" or other contraption inspired by THE THINGITY-JIG using Lego bricks, blocks, or other building toys. For an extra challenge, use items that you find around the house. How could you use the following items? 

  • A rubber band
  • Plastic bottle tops
  • Scraps of wood
  • Bits of cardboard 
  • Wooden dowels or pencils
  • Nuts and bolts
  • String

Short on supplies? Try drawing your contraption instead! Give your contraption a fun, original name. What job can your contraption help you accomplish?

For more building fun, check out these links for some step-by-step directions to simple machines:

Simple Lever

Simple Catapult

We’d love to see a picture of something you build and hear what you name it! You can share in the comments or on social media using the hashtag #RDDSummerChallenge.

Other “Inventions” books:


This book shows the emotions inventors experience through the trial and error of a creation. In the end the little girl creates a scooter with doggy side car for her beloved pet.

BE A MAKER by Katey Howes and illustrated by Elizabet Vuković

This is a call to the reader to get creative in all aspects of life. The book shows children making towers, music, a telescope, blueprints, a cardboard spaceship…and much more. It is a celebration of the inventive human spirit.

GOING PLACES by Peter and Paul Reynolds

When the teacher hands out kits to make go-carts, Rafael and his friend Maya decide to create something their own way instead of following the directions like everyone else. The result is spectacular and wins the race!
