Reading Road Trip: Amusement Park

Welcome to stop number 7 on our Reading Road Trip! The journey is nearing an end, and we’ve had a great time driving through open country and construction zones, seeing the sights at overlooks and mountaintops, taking a breather at a rest stop, and learning something new at a museum. This week is all about having fun! If this is your first week with us, you can still grab  our map  and join us in the adventure. You can also find the weekly coloring pages and other  printable resources here . For today’s stop, we’re heading to an Amusement Park! The idea this week is to read books that are just plain fun! This can be books that make you laugh, books with fun language or wordplay, or any book that is just plain fun to read. Read:  Any book that makes you laugh or is just plain fun to read aloud! Featured Book:   The Forgetful Knight  by Michele Robinson, illustrated by Fred Blunt. A hilarious story about a knight who has a score to settle with a…what was it again? Oh yes, a dragon! The r

Summer Challenge Week Seven: Nuts About Nature!

This week's Summer Challenge theme is nuts. Nuts about Nature, that is! Whether you are heading to the mountains for a week of camping or simply exploring your back yard, there's a lot to appreciate about the natural world all around you. We encourage you to read some nature-themed books and then head outside to explore.

Ideas for books to read:

  • Over in the Forest: Come and Take a Peek by Marianne Berkes, illustrated by Jill Dubin. A charming book about exploring the forest, patterned after the song Over in the Meadow.
  • A Nest is Noisy by Diana Hutts Aston, illustrated by Sylvia Long. Lovely illustrations and a simple, informative text about various kinds of nest. Read the sidebars for more detailed information.
  • Bear Island by Matthew Cordell. A story about a young girl grieving the loss of a pet, who finds solace and healing in nature.

Ideas for things to discuss:

  • What is something new you learned from reading this book?
  • Do you enjoy exploring nature? Why or why not?
  • What are some ways you can help take care of the environment?
  • Have you ever seen a deer while out walking? What other kinds of creatures have you spotted while out exploring the natural world?

Ideas for things to do:

  • Go for a walk on a nature trail. Take note of the different critters you see.
  • Participate in a neighborhood or park clean-up. Maybe organize one yourself!
  • Head out to the backyard with a magnifying glass. Take a close look at bugs, plants, fallen feathers--anything you find!
  • Visit a zoo or nature preserve.
  • Watch a nature documentary.
  • Get creative! Make leaf rubbings or a nature collage. 
Do you have a favorite book that fits this week's theme? Tell us about it in the comments. You can also share on social media with the hashtag #RDDSummerChallenge.


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