Reading Road Trip: Amusement Park

Welcome to stop number 7 on our Reading Road Trip! The journey is nearing an end, and we’ve had a great time driving through open country and construction zones, seeing the sights at overlooks and mountaintops, taking a breather at a rest stop, and learning something new at a museum. This week is all about having fun! If this is your first week with us, you can still grab  our map  and join us in the adventure. You can also find the weekly coloring pages and other  printable resources here . For today’s stop, we’re heading to an Amusement Park! The idea this week is to read books that are just plain fun! This can be books that make you laugh, books with fun language or wordplay, or any book that is just plain fun to read. Read:  Any book that makes you laugh or is just plain fun to read aloud! Featured Book:   The Forgetful Knight  by Michele Robinson, illustrated by Fred Blunt. A hilarious story about a knight who has a score to settle with a…what was it again? Oh yes, a dragon! The r

Summer Challenge Week Four: Books, Books, Books!

Week four of the Read, Discuss, Do! Summer Challenge is all about books! Books about books, that is! There are some fantastic stories about libraries, how books are made, how stories affect people in positive ways, and so much more. We encourage you to read some books about books this week, then talk about the ways books influence our lives. When you're done, have some bookish fun!

Ideas for books to read:

  • Wild About Books by Judy Sierra, illustrated by Marc Brown - Fun and clever rhyming story about a librarian who mistakenly drives into the zoo and ends up teaching the animals to read.
  • Bear's House of Books by Poppy Bishop, illustrated by Alison Edgson - Sweet and engaging story about books and friendship.
  • How this Book Was Made by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Adam Rex - A funny and educational book about the writing and publishing process.
  • That Book Woman by Heather Henson, illustrated by David Small - Heartwarming story about a young boy who reluctantly learns to enjoy books.
Ideas for things to discuss:
  • Do you enjoy reading? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite kind of book to read? Do you have a favorite book?
  • Do you prefer to read to yourself or have someone read to you?
  • Have you ever written a story of your own?
  • What kinds of things besides books can you find at a library?
Ideas for things to do:
  • Visit a library and bring home a big stack of books.
  • Organize (or reorganize) your book shelves.
  • Choose a book or two to donate to a Little Free Library or book drive.
  • Write and "publish" your own story as a handmade book.
  • Learn and name the parts of a book.
  • Keep a list of the books you read. Put a star next to the ones you like best.
  • Make a book wish list to share with parents or grandparents.
We hope you enjoy having some bookish fun this week. Comment with your ideas for bookish fun (or your favorite books) in the comments or on social media with the hashtag #RDDSummerChallenge.


Trine Grillo said…
I love these "DO" suggestions!