Books to Celebrate the Love of Family

  Celebrating Family Love: A Read, Discuss, Do Book List In honor of Valentine's Day, and to celebrate the love of family all year round, we’ve compiled a list of books that combine family and love.  

Snack and Story Time: LOVE IS KIND

by Rebecca J. Gomez

Love is Kind by Laura Sassi, illustrated by Lison Chaperon, is a book that illustrates what real love looks like in a story about Little Owl and his quest to buy his Grammy a gift for her birthday. Little Owl wants to buy her a heart-shaped box of chocolates, but a series of events ruins his plans. How will he show her how much he loves her if he doesn't have a gift in hand? Love is Kind is the perfect book to pair with a sweet treat, especially if you plan to share that treat with someone you love. Just remember, love is about much more than treats!

Read: Love is Kind


  • In what was does Little Owl show love to others throughout the story?
  • What is one way you have shown love today?
  • Talk about a time when it was hard to be loving.
  • Who are some people you love a lot?
  • How can you be loving to people around you, even if you don't know them well?
  • What is your favorite kind of chocolate treat?

Do: Enjoy a chocolate treat with someone you love. Here are a few ideas that are perfect for summer time:

  • Chocolate dipped ice cream! You can go out for this special treat or do it at home. Here is a simple recipe for an instant chocolate shell to pour over ice cream. 
  • Make chocolate dipped strawberries. Yummy! Here's how. 
  • Make chocolate dipped pretzels with family and friends. Stick on in a bowl of ice cream for a bit of crunch!
  • Make ice cream sundaes with your favorite chocolate toppings. Some options: crushed m&ms, peanut butter cups, and chocolate cookies.
Tip: If you don't like chocolate or can't eat it, try white chocolate instead. Or come up with another tasty treat share with someone you love. 
