Read, Discuss, Bake: Books about bread!

  One of my favorite memories from my childhood was my dad’s baking. He’d often bake a simple white bread, which we would use for sandwiches or snacking. He’d sometimes turn some of it into cinnamon rolls, which came in second only to my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. On special occasions he’d whip up a batch of Orange Cinnamon Swirl, a loaf of mildly orange flavored bread with a swirl of cinnamon and sugar in the center, glazed with an orangey icing. In my mind, there was no better treat. And it wasn’t just the eating of the bread that was enjoyable, but the anticipation. And the smells. Is there any better smell than bread baking in the oven? My dad taught me how to bake bread, and I still have the copy of  Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads  that he gave me nearly 30 years ago. I bake from it often. Bread is a staple all around the world. And bread, like books, can do wonders to foster human connection. So our hope with this list today is that it will inspire...

Library Treasures: Sharing the Wonders of the Library with Your Little Ones

by Trine Grillo

Do you remember your childhood library? A quiet place. Everyone was welcome to curl up with a book in a peace-filled atmosphere and dream of far away places. Even the children’s reading room had a hush over it. The librarians smiled and whispered. Their feet hardly made a sound as they walked and greeted you among the stacks.

How will your children remember the library? By intentionally setting an example, we instill respect for others who seek a quiet place to rest, read, study or dream. The way we treat the books is the way our kids will treat the books. As we guard the books at home with care and promptly return those which are due, our kids learn what lending means.

Need a couple of books to help you along? Here are some reading and discussion ideas to help you as you share the wonders of the library with your children.

READ: Try to find one or more of these books to read together.

DISCUSS: Talk about good library manners and why they are important.

DO: Go the library and discover its treasures! 

The Shelf Elf by Jackie Mims Hopkins, illustrated by Rebecca Thornburg, has some fun advice and introduces what amazing things a library holds.

When in the library, make this choice,

Always use your quiet voice.

Keep your books clean and neat,

Away from all you drink and eat.

Turn the pages with great care;

Leave them whole without a tear.

If you need to save your place,

Stick a bookmark in that space.

In I.Q. Goes to the Library by Mary Ann Fraser, I.Q. also learns about treasures to be found in a library and how to respectfully enjoy them.

Are there times when we forget to use our library voice? We accidentally tear a page? Or drop the book in a puddle? YES! In Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen, illustrated by Kevin Hawkes, the lion and Miss Merriweather can testify to that!

More stories about the wonders of the library:

Lola at the Library and Lola Loves Stories by Anna McQuinn, illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw

Biblioburro: A True Story from Columbia by Jeanette Winter


Mindy Baker said…
Great post, thanks!
Rum Tan said…
The environment in the library is always calm, and everyone is polite and quietly reading books. Libraries are essential components of civilization because they serve as entrances to knowledge and culture. They provide resources and services that promote learning opportunities, encourage literacy and education, and assist in the creation of fresh viewpoints and ideas that are essential to the development of a creative and innovative society. If we start reading good books regularly as children, we will have a fantastic future with less stress. According to me, the local library can make you a better tutor if you read good books daily.