Explore Poetry with SINCE THE BABY CAME by Kathleen Long Bostrom

  We are excited to have guest post by Kathleen Long Bostrom, author of Since the Baby Came: A Sibling’s Learning-to-Love Story in 16 Poems , talking about the process of writing the book and sharing some ideas for discussing and poetry writing! Read : Since the Baby Came: A Sibling’s Learning-to-Love Story in 16 Poems by Kathleen Long Bostrom, illustrated by Janet Samuel I love poetry and rhyme, and always have. I grew up with a mother who often recited poetry and I learned to read with Dr. Seuss books. It’s no wonder I turned to poetry when I began writing picture books for children.  At a children’s book conference one day about 12 years ago, I asked my friend, an editor for an educational publishing house, “What are the areas in early education where more good books are needed?”  Without hesitation, she replied, “Poetry.”  Many of my published books were written in poetry, but what could I write that was unique? Aha! I thought. What if I wrote a story using a variety of styles of

Summer Challenge Week NINE: A Wilderness Adventure

Welcome to week NINE of the Summer Reading Challenge! This week may inspire you to get out, explore the outdoors, and have a little (or big) wilderness adventure of your own! You could go for a walk at a local park, take a boat for a spin, hike a trail, maybe even go camping in the woods. And if staying home is your thing, why not plan a future adventure or have an imaginary one right in your living room? Whatever you do, we hope you enjoy being adventurous with your readers.

Suggested titles:

One Summer Up North by John Owens, a delightful wordless picture book that follows a family as they explore the Boundary Waters on the border of Minnesota and Canada.

Squeak! by Laura McGee Kvasnosky, illustrated by Kate Harvey McGee. This book is a chain reaction story about various animals waking up to greet the day. Charming and beautifully illustrated. Let it inspire you to get out and explore nature.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. This classic inspires the imaginative adventurer in all of us.
