Explore Poetry with SINCE THE BABY CAME by Kathleen Long Bostrom

  We are excited to have guest post by Kathleen Long Bostrom, author of Since the Baby Came: A Sibling’s Learning-to-Love Story in 16 Poems , talking about the process of writing the book and sharing some ideas for discussing and poetry writing! Read : Since the Baby Came: A Sibling’s Learning-to-Love Story in 16 Poems by Kathleen Long Bostrom, illustrated by Janet Samuel I love poetry and rhyme, and always have. I grew up with a mother who often recited poetry and I learned to read with Dr. Seuss books. It’s no wonder I turned to poetry when I began writing picture books for children.  At a children’s book conference one day about 12 years ago, I asked my friend, an editor for an educational publishing house, “What are the areas in early education where more good books are needed?”  Without hesitation, she replied, “Poetry.”  Many of my published books were written in poetry, but what could I write that was unique? Aha! I thought. What if I wrote a story using a variety of styles of

Summer Challenge Week Five: FIREWORKS!


We are into the second month of celebrating reading and fun with the Read, Discuss, Do Summer Challenge! If you are just joining us, feel free to catch up with previous challenges or dive right in starting with this week's theme: FIREWORKS!

We are continuing a celebration of the USA with today's theme, but even if you're not planning on doing any celebrating this week, you can still play along by reading a book that features fireworks and doing some kind of fireworks activity with your readers. Besides lighting or watching actual fireworks, you could write your own poems about fireworks or create a fireworks themed art project. Be creative and have fun! If you share about this on social media, please use the hashtag #RDDSummerChallenge on Instagram and Twitter. 

Recommended titles: 

Lion of the Sky: Haiku for All Seasons by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Mercè López - A collection of haiku which is not specifically about fireworks, but look at that cover. And there is a haiku about fireworks in it. 

The Night Before the Fourth of July by Amy Wing, illustrated by Amy Wummer - A charming story about a family's Fourth of July celebration written in the style of T'was the Night Before Christmas.

You're My Little Firecracker by Nicola Edwards, illustrated by Natalie Marshall - A cute and festive board book celebrating the love between parent and child.

Do you have a favorite fireworks book? Do you like to light your own or watch from a distance? 
